


Vanilla Oat Milk Tapioca  - 1 liter (4 cups) unflavored and unsweetened oat milk (shake well before using; substitute any other kind of milk, dairy or non-dairy) - 1 small vanilla bean, or 1/2 large vanilla bean (I use Tahiti vanilla) - 100 grams (1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon) small pearl tapioca (note that different brands may require different cooking times, and some pearl tapioca needs to be pre-soaked, so check the package and adjust the process accordingly) - 100 grams (1/2 cup) unrefined sugar (I use an unrefined blond cane sugar) - 1/4 teaspoon salt  Serves 6 to 8.  Pour the milk in a medium saucepan. Split the vanilla bean lenghtwise, scrape the seeds with the dull side of a knife, and add the bean and seeds to the milk.  Bring the milk to a simmer over medium heat. Sprinkle the tapioca into the milk and stir with a wooden spoon. Cover, and cook at a simmer for 15 minutes (or according to package instructions), stirring from time to time.  Remove from the heat, add the sugar and salt, and stir to dissolve. The mixture will still feel somewhat soupy at this point, but the pearl tapioca will continue to expand as it cools, and the mixture will set satisfyingly then. Transfer to a serving bowl or container (along with the vanilla bean*) and let cool completely.  Serve at room temperature or cold (but not too cold), with crisp butter cookies if desired. The tapioca can be made a day ahead, and keeps for a few days in an airtight container in the fridge.  * When you're done eating the tapioca, rinse and dry the vanilla bean, and place it in your sugar jar, or use it to feed your homemade vanilla extract.

