
french bread

french bread

bread flour   2   cup
all-p flour     2   cup
milk            1   cup
salt             2    tsp
sugar          1    tsp
butter       1/4  cup
yeast           2   tsp

Bake  400 F, 30 min.





  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/3 cup evaporated milk
  • 3 tablespoons butter, room temperature
  • 2 eggs, one at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 cups bread flour
  • 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast

Mix the Croissant Ingredients

In one bowl, combine the yeast, salt, sugar, and 1 cup of flour. Set aside.

In another bowl, mix the water and milk. Warm up the mixture on the stove or in the microwave until it is between 120 and 130 degrees.

Make the Dough

I'm going to use my stand mixer to make the dough. In a mixing bowl, first combine the dry mixture, then the milk and water mixture, and then the butter.

Now I'm going to attach the beater. Beat for about four minutes on medium speed. Next, add 1 egg and beat for another minute.

Knead the Dough

Then, switch the beaters to a dough hook attachment. Gradually add the remaining flour, and knead for five to seven minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.


Grease and Refrigerate the Dough

While the dough is kneading, lightly oil a bowl a mixing bowl. Remove the dough hook, and place the dough in the bowl. Rotate the dough so the top is also greased.

Cover and refrigerate the dough for two hours. Most croissant recipes call for a lot of folding and refrigerating, sometimes totaling 12 hours or more.

Since this recipe takes less time, the croissants will look a little like crescent rolls. But they'll still taste like croissants.





 chocolate covered sables ---- French-butter cookies

shortbread, or as Americans call it, a butter cookie.

Rusn Butter Cooki


  1. Cream butter and add in sugar. Work in flour and mix well. Add in nut meats and vanilla. Roll in small balls and flatten with fork. Bake 15 min at 325 degrees. Dough may be divided in half and tinted red or possibly green for Christmas. Cold slightly and roll in powdered sugar. Makes about 4 dozen.









Choco Swiss Roll

Chocolate Swiss Roll Recipe

2 eggs
4oz caster sugar
2 ½ oz self-raising flour
1 ½ oz cocoa
2 tbsp strawberry jam
10fl oz whipping cream, whipped

Pre-heat the oven to 220C/425F. Grease a 33 by 23 cm Swiss roll tin.
Whisk the eggs and sugar in a large bowl until the mixture is light and frothy. Sift the flour and cocoa into the mixture folding in. Turn the mixture into the prepared tin and level.
Bake for about 10 minutes of until the sponge begins to shrink from the edges of the tin.
Turn the cake out onto a work surface sprinkled with caster sugar. Trim the edges of the sponge and score about 3cm in from one end. Roll up the cake and leave to cool.
Warm the jam. Carefully unroll the cooled cake. Spread the jam and then the whipped cream over the inside of the cake and re-roll.

Snowball Cake

Snowball Cake 



Russian butter cki

Russian butter cookie

2 1/4 cups sifted flour         [ 1 1/8 ]
1/4 cup powdered sugar [ 1/8 ]
1 cup butter, softened          [ 1/3 ]
1 tsp salt                                 [ 1/2 ]
3/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans  [ 1/8 ]
1 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 400 deegre.
Beat well the butter and sugar together.
Blend in the remaining ingredients.
Chill for several hours or overnight.
Shape/roll into 1 inch balls.
Bake at 400 deegre for 11 to 12 minutes.


1 cup = 8 ounces

Pound Cake

basic Pound Cake http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-basic-pound-cake 

For bread pan 9.25 x 5.25 inches

  • 1     cup   butter   [soft, /1 lb]  
  • 1/3  cup   sugar    [ 10.5oz ]
  • 4             eggs
  •                salt
  • 1     cup   flour     [ 1 lb ]
  • 1/2  tbsp  baking powder
  • 1/2          lemon zest
  • 1/2          orange zest

Preheat the oven --- 315  F  /160 C

Make the batter --- butter and sugar

Add in the eggs --- one by one

Fold in the rest --- lemon zest, orange zest, salt, baking soda, flour.

add any dried or candied fruit or any nuts

Transfer to the baking tin, bake for  40-45 / 50-55 min

cool before serving


  • 2     cup   butter   [soft, /1 lb]  
  • 1 1/3 cup sugar    [ 10.5oz ]
  • 7             eggs
  •                salt
  • 2   cup    flour     [ 1 lb ]
  • 1   tbsp   baking powder
  • 1            lemon zest
  • 1            orange zest 
  • .........................................................
  • 1 spring form pan 26 cm/ 10 inches lined with parchment, butter and floured
  • 1 mixer with whisk attachment
  • 1 rubber spatula
  • 1 skewer





红糖白米粥, 熬得稠点。






感谢 帅哥美女妈
2 Tbs butter 2 汤勺黄油
1/2 C. sugar 半量杯糖
1 egg 1个鸡蛋
1tsp baking powder 1茶勺泡打分
1/4 tsp salt 1/4茶勺盐
1 1/2 tsp vanilla 1 1/2 茶勺香草精
1 tsp water 1汤勺水。
1 1/2 C. rice baby cereal 1杯半婴儿米粉


把糖和黄油混合好, 然后加如其它原料。 然后慢慢加如米粉, 充分混合。

放烤箱烤20 到30分钟。 直到干。 300华氏, 150摄氏






猪绞肉                        500克
饺子皮                        一斤
白菜                          2. 5 kg
大葱                          1根
姜粉/姜末                1小勺
盐巴                          1/2小勺
蚝油                          1小勺
甜面酱                       3小勺
淀粉                          1小勺
鸡精                          1/2小勺
糖                             1/2小勺
生抽                          少许
色拉油                      1汤勺


  1. 500克猪绞肉(四分之一肥肉,四分之三的瘦肉)放入一个大的容器中,加入盐巴、姜粉(姜末)蚝油、甜面酱、白糖,鸡精,生粉,生抽,葱花(一根大葱的量),搅拌均匀后加入一勺色拉油,摔打上劲备用。 
  2. 大白菜洗净剁成碎末放入容器中,加入少许盐巴,静置10分钟后会出很多的水,可以用纱布或者双手攥紧逼出水分备用。
  3. 将逼出水分的白菜拌入肉馅中拌匀即可(逼出水分是关键环节,如果水分去除的不够彻底,会直接影响饺子的质量)。

Heart Shortbread

Heart Shortbread Cookie

 In its most basic form, shortbreads are made with just four ingredients, butter, sugar, vanilla extract, and flour


2 cups (260 grams) all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon (2 grams) salt
1 cup (2 sticks) (226 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup (60 grams) powdered (confectioners or icing) sugar
1 teaspoon (4 grams) pure vanilla extract

Shortbreads: In a separate bowl whisk the flour with the salt.  Set aside.
In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter until smooth and creamy (about 1 minute). Add the sugar and beat until smooth (about 2 minutes).  Beat in the vanilla extract. Gently stir in the flour mixture just until incorporated.  Flatten the dough into a disk shape, wrap in plastic wrap, and chill the dough for at least an hour.  
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) with the rack in the middle of the oven.  Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
On a lightly floured surface roll out the dough into a 1/4 inch (.6 cm) thick circle.  Cut into rounds or other shapes using a lightly floured cookie cutter.  Place on the prepared baking sheets and place in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. (This will firm up the dough so the cookies will maintain their shape when baked.) Bake for 8 - 10 minutes, or until cookies are very lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack. 
For Chocolate Dipped Shortbreads:
6 ounces (180 grams) semi sweet or bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

For Chocolate Dipped Shortbreads: Place 3 ounces (90 grams) of the finely chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl and place it over a saucepan of simmering water. Once the chocolate has melted, remove it from the heat. Add the remaining chocolate and stir with a wooden spoon until it has completely melted and is smooth and glossy. Taking one cookie at a time, dip one end of each cookie in the melted chocolate and place it on a parchment lined baking sheet. Once all the cookies have been dipped in the chocolate, place the baking sheets in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, or until the chocolate has hardened.
Shortbread cookies with keep in an airtight container for about a week or they can be frozen.
Makes about 20 shortbread cookies.



Ladyfingers known in Italy as " savoiardi " -

Le Cordon Bleu Ladyfinger Recipe

Eggs, 3 separated
Granulated Sugar, 6 tbs
Cake Flour, sifted, 3/4 c
Confectioner's Sugar, 6 tbs


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, then brush 2 baking sheets with softened butter and line with parchment paper.
2. Beat the egg whites with a whisk or electric mixer until stiff peaks form.
3. Gradually beat in the granulated sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form again; the meringue will be glossy and smooth..
4. Lightly beat the egg yolks with a fork, and fold into the meringue with a wooden spoon.
5. Sift the flour over the mixture and fold in gently.
6. Pipe the ladyfingers: Fit the pastry bag with the large plain tip and fill with the ladyfinger batter.
7. Pipe strips of batter 5 in. long and 3/4 in. wide diagonally onto the baking sheets, leaving 1 to 2 in. between each strip.
8. Sprinkle half the confectioner's sugar over the ladyfingers; wait 5 minutes and sprinkle with the remaining sugar.
9. Holding the parchment paper in place with your thumb, lift one side of the baking sheet and gently tap it on the work surface to remove excess confectioner's sugar.
10. Bake without opening the oven door for 10 min.
11. Then, rotate the baking sheet so the ladyfingers color evenly.
12. Cook until lightly golden, about 5 more minutes.
13. Remove the ladyfingers from the baking sheet with a metal spatula while still hot, and let cool on a rack.



Boxing Day Scones 英式下午茶饼
16 scones

3       cup   all-flour
1/3    cup   sugar
2 1/2  tsp   baking powder
1/2    tsp   baking soda
3/4    tsp    salt
3/4    cup   unsalted butter [ cold. cut into small pieces ]
1       cup   buttermilk

  1.  preheat   400  F.   line  or  grease.
  2. large bowl, together  flour  +  sugar  +  baking soda  +  salt .   cut butter into flour mixture.
  3. make a well in mixture, pour all buttermilk, stir to a dough.  divide into 16.
  4. bake  12-15 min.  cool  5 min.  transfer. 
serve warm.   split and spread with jam.

-The success of scones depends on working as quickly as possible, keeping all the ingredients as cool as possible.


vanilla mousse cheesecake

cheese cake ----- 1/3 量
1      pkg     cream cheese      [/ 8oz ]
1/4   cup    sugar
1      tsp   vanilla
1     eggs  
 cheese cake
3      pkg     cream cheese      [/ 8oz ]
3/4   cup    sugar
1      tbsp   vanilla
 3     eggs  

  1.  preheat  325 F.
  2.  3  pkg   cream cheese, softed,divided,  + 3/4   cup    sugar   +    1    tbsp vanilla, beat  on  M-speed. add  3  eggs, one at a time, mix on Low-speed.    
  3. bake   50-55 min.
1      pkg   cream cheese
1/4   cup   sugar
1      tsp    vanilla
1      cup   cool whip   ( 8 oz )
  1. beat    1  pkg  cheese cream  +  1/4  cup   sugar  +  1  tsp    vanilla.  whisk in  cool whip. spread  over  cheesecake.
  2. refrigerate    4   hours.
crust --- ladyfinger 手指饼干




    Melt - In - Your - Mouth Shortbread


    Prep Time: 10 Min        Cook Time: 15 Min         Ready In:  25 Min


    • 1       cup butter, softened
    • 1/2    cup confectioners' sugar
    • 1/4    cup cornstarch
    • 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour


    1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
    2. Whip butter with an electric mixer until fluffy. Stir in the confectioners' sugar, cornstarch, and flour. Beat on low for one minute, then on high for 3 to 4 minutes. Drop cookies by spoonfuls 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
    3. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Watch that the edges don't brown too much. Cool on wire racks.




    Backe, backe Kuchen
    Bake, Bake, a Cake! ("Pat-a-Cake")

    This is a traditional German children's song and nursery rhyme. In some ways it is similar to the English nursery rhyme "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man..." (see below).
    Melodie: Traditional
    Text: Traditional


    Backe, backe Kuchen,
    Der Bäcker hat gerufen!
    Wer will gute Kuchen backen,
    Der muss haben sieben Sachen:
    Eier und Schmalz,
    Butter und Salz,
    Milch und Mehl,
    Safran macht den Kuchen gel'! (gelb)
    Schieb in den Ofen 'rein.
    (Morgen muss er fertig sein.)

    Backe, backe Kuchen,
    der Bäcker hat gerufen,
    hat gerufen die ganze Nacht,
    (Name des Kindes) hat keinen
       Teig gebracht,
    kriegt er auch kein' Kuchen.

    Bake, bake a cake
    The baker has called!
    He who wants to bake good cakes
    Must have seven things:
    Eggs and lard,
    Butter and salt,
    Milk and flour,
    Saffron makes the cake yel(low)!
    Shove it into the oven.
    (Tomorrow it must be done.)

    Bake, bake a cake
    The baker has called!
    He called all night.
    (Child's name) brought
       no dough,
    and he won't get any cake.

    Melody: Backe, backe

    Palace shortbread

    Palace shortbread

    2      cup  cake flour
    3/4  cup   +   1    tbsp    cornstarch
    1/4  tsp    salt
    1      cup   unsalted  butter     [ room temperature ]
    1/3  cup  granulated sugar
    1/4  cup  superfine sugar

    1. in a medium bowl, together  flour, cornstarch, salt.
    2. in big bowl, beat the butter until creamy on M-speed.beat in sugar until fluffy(2 min). on L-speed, add flour in 2 or 3 addition, form a dough. wrap and chill for 30 min.
    3. preheat  oven to 350  F.  line with parchment paper or ungreased.
    4. roll the dough to 3/4 inch thick, 5 X 8 inch.  bake 40 min.  while still warm, cut into pieces.  

    shortbread cookie

    shortbread cookies

    This is a delicious tender drop shortbread, different from typical firm styles.

    Yield: 36


    Shortbread Cookies

    • 1 cup unsalted butter at room temperature
    • 1/2 cup 2 Tbsp icing sugar
    • 1/4 cup cornstarch or rice flour
    • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


    Shortbread Cookies

    1,Preheat oven to 350 °F. Beat butter until light and fluffy. Sift in icing sugar and beat again until fluffy, scraping down sides of the bowl often. Sift in cornstarch or rice flour and blend in. Sift in all purpose flour and salt and mix until dough comes together (it will be soft). Stir in vanilla.
    2,Spoon large teaspoonfuls of cookie dough (or use a small ice cream scoop) onto an un-greased cookie sheet, leaving 2 inches between cookies and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, until bottoms brown lightly. Remove from cookie sheet to cool.

      Chocolate Nougat Shortbread

      Prepare shortbread recipe as above and spoon onto an ungreased baking sheet. Press a triangle piece of chocolate nougat candy into the center of each cookie and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, until bottoms brown lightly.


        Basic Cake


        Basic Cake Mix

        For the Cake

        myRum Cake


        qeRum Cake

        Gramma Cookie's Kitchen - Rum Cake

        Light Rum Cake



        布朗尼brownie http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hsuannn/9791576

        苦甜巧克力 180克
        奶油 150克
        二砂糖(brown sugar) 80克
        蜂蜜 30克
        蛋 3個
        胡桃(先烤過) 150克
        可可粉 20克
        低筋(我用all purpose) 150克




        W'Choc Rum Cake

        World's Best Chocolate Rum Cake

        Best Brownies

        Best Brownies





        Choc SwiRoll

        Chocolate-Rum Swiss Roll

        Make this sweet Swiss roll from "Martha Stewart's Cooking School" for an unforgettable holiday dessert.

        • FOR CAKE
        • Vegetable-oil cooking spray
        • 1/4 cup cocoa powder, plus more for pan
        • 1/3 cup plus 2 tbsp  cake flour, plus more for pan
        • Pinch of salt
        • 3 large whole eggs plus 2 large egg yolks
        • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
        • 1/4 cup(1/2 stick) unsalted butter,    melted and cooled completely
        • FOR FILLING
        • 1/4 cup water
        • 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp sugar
        • 2 tbsp light rum
        • 1 1/4 cups heavy cream
        • Unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder



        Choc-Rum Cake

        1 pkg. Chocolate cake mix 1 pkg. Chocolate pudding mix
        -instant (4 servings)
        4 Eggs
        1/2 cup. Dark Bacardi
        1/2 cup. Cold water
        1/2 cup. Oil
        1 1/2 cup. Cold Milk
        1/2 cup. Dark Bacardi
        1 pkg. Chocolate Pudding mix
        -instant (4 servings)
        1 pkg. Dream Whip
        -(single envelope)

        Heat Oven to 350F. Grease and flour 2 9 cake pans. Combine first 6 ingredients in large bowl. Blend well then beat on medium for 2 minutes. Pour into prepared cake pans. Bake for 30 minutes

        Danish Butter ck


        Danish Butter Ck

        Danish Butter Cookies 


        • 1  cup  (1/2 lb.) butter, at room temperature
        • 1  cup  granulated sugar
        • 2 1/2  cups  all-purpose flour
        • 1  cup  unsweetened shredded dried coconut
        • 3/4  cup  powdered sugar
        • 2  tablespoons  rum    
        1.    In a bowl, with an electric mixer on medium speed, beat butter and sugar until smooth. Stir or beat in flour and coconut until well blended.
        2.    On cooking parchment-lined 12- by 15-inch baking sheets (see notes), shape 1/2-cup portions of dough into 3/4-inch-thick logs, each about 13 inches long; place about 3 inches apart. Press your fingers across each log to make ridges, flattening logs to about 1/8 inch in thinnest parts.
        3.   Bake logs in a 400° oven until edges are lightly browned, 8 to 10 minutes; if baking more than one pan at a time, switch pan positions halfway through baking. Slide a thin spatula under logs to loosen.
        4. In a small bowl, mix powdered sugar and rum until smooth. Brush warm logs with powdered sugar mixture, then immediately cut diagonally into 1-inch-wide strips. Cool cookies completely on pans.

            butter cookies

            butter cookies

            2+2/3  cup  all-p flour
            1      cup    butter
            1      cup    sugar
            1              egg
            2      tsp    vanilla
            1/4   tsp    salt

            1,BEAT  butter,sugar,egg,vanilla
            2,MIX   flour.  
            3,400  F,8-10 min

            G'Choc-Rum Cake

            Grandpa's Chocolate-Rum Cake



            • 1  cup  butter, softened
            • 2  cups  sugar
            • 4  large eggs
            • 1/2  cup  dark rum
            • 2  cups  all-purpose flour
            • 1  cup  unsweetened cocoa
            • 1  teaspoon  baking powder
            • 1  teaspoon  baking soda
            • 1/2  teaspoon  salt
            • 1/8  teaspoon  ground nutmeg
            • 1  cup  hot water
            • 1  teaspoon  almond extract
            • 1  teaspoon  vanilla extract
            • Mousse Frosting
            • Garnish: chocolate shavings


            Beat butter at medium speed with an electric mixer until fluffy; gradually add sugar, beating well. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating until blended after each addition. Add rum; beat until blended.
            Combine flour and next 5 ingredients; add to sugar mixture alternately with hot water, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Beat at low speed until blended after each addition; stir in flavorings.
            Pour batter into 2 greased and floured 9-inch round cakepans.
            Bake at 350° for 27 minutes (cake will not test quite done). Cool in pans on a wire rack 10 minutes; remove from pans, and cool completely on wire racks.
            Spread 1 cup Mousse Frosting between layers. Frost top and sides of cake with remaining frosting. Garnish, if desired. Cover and chill 8 hours. Store in refrigerator.

            Kitchen Notes

            The cake slices well after chilling 1 hour, but plan to refrigerate it overnight before serving to allow the flavors to mellow.



            Choc rum Sponge

            Chocolate Rum Sponge Cake

            7oz (200g) plain chocolate, broken into pieces
            4oz (100g) unsalted butter, cubed
            3 L size eggs, separated
            4oz (100g) dark muscovado sugar ( brown sugar)
            2fl oz (50ml) dark rum
            3oz (75g) self-raising flour, sifted
            2oz (50g) ground almonds

            Chocolate Ganache Filling/Piping
            140g plain chocolate, broken into pieces
            120ml heavy cream (single cream, whipping cream)
            25ml rum

            Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Grease and base line an 8in (20cm) deep round cake tin. Melt the chocolate and butter slowly in a blowl over apan of hot water, then allow to cool slightly. Whisk the egg yolks and the sugar with an electric whisk on full speed until pale and creamy. Add the chocolate mixture and the rum and mix well. Fold in the flour and the ground almonds.
            In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff but not dry, then flod into the mixture. Turn into the prepared tin and bake for about 45 minutes. 

            For the filling/piping, slowly boil the cream and pour into the chocolate pieces, then stir well. Add the rum and stir untiil smooth and creamy. Put into the icing tool for decoration/filling.


            rush Choco Bread

            Meals in a Rush - Chocolate Bread 



            david choc-bread

            Verdict? david choc-bread

            3/4 cup (180 ml) whole or low-fat milk, heated until just tepid
            1 envelope active dry yeast (1/4 ounce, or 2 1/4 teaspoons)—see Note
            6 tablespoons (75 g) sugar
            4 tablespoons (55 g) butter, salted or unsalted
            3 ounces (85 g) bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
            1 1/2 teaspoon instant coffee or espresso powder (optional)
            1 large egg
            1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
            3/4 teaspoon sea salt
            2 cups (280 g) bread flour
            1/4 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
            3/4 cup (3 1/2 ounces, 90 g) chocolate chips or coarsely chopped bittersweet or semisweet chocolate
            1/2 cup (70 g) toasted pecans, walnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts, coarsely chopped (optional)
            1. In the bow


            chocolate bread

            chocolatechip bread odyssey
            No Knead Bread

            面包粉      2        cup
            牛奶         1        cup
            温水       1/4     cup
            酵母       1        tsp
            糖          1         sp
            盐          1/2     tsp
            chocolate chip     1/2    cup
            vanilla      2       sp

            3,放烤箱内温着醒发,1 小时。
            4,预热 400 F,烤 15 分钟。?











            蛋黄4个 砂糖20克 色拉油3汤匙(45ml) 牛奶3汤匙(45ml) 香草精1/4茶匙(1ml)

            低筋面粉70克 泡打粉1/4茶匙(1克) 盐1/4茶匙(1克) 蛋白4个 柠檬汁1/4茶匙(1ml) 砂糖80克










            ** 戚风蛋糕是英文单词CHIFFON的音译,该单词原是法文,意思是拌制的馅料像打发的蛋白那样柔软,而戚风的打发正是将蛋黄和蛋白分开搅拌,先把蛋白部分 搅拌的很蓬松、很柔软,再拌入蛋黄面糊。戚风蛋糕组织膨松,水分含量高,味道清淡,口感滋润,是目前非常受欢迎的蛋糕之一。


            ** 盛蛋白的容器不能有一点水和油,这样会影响蛋白的打发效果,蛋白一定要打到硬性发泡,即蛋白用打蛋头提起尖锋能直立不下垂才行,打好的蛋白体积膨胀约4 倍,洁白光滑又细腻。如果尖峰弯曲则说明打发不够,烤好后蛋糕体积小易塌陷。如果蛋白呈现比较粗燥的泡沫状则是打发过渡,这样不容易与蛋黄糊混合,烤好后 蛋糕内部有很多小结块和空洞的蛋糕孔,口感较差。



            ** 在蛋糕烤制的过程中注意观察,通常戚风蛋糕在烤到15分钟后开始膨胀并表面微黄,在25分钟左右的时候膨胀的最高(一般会高出模具成弧形),表面颜色也更 深一些,在35分钟左右后表面会缩至大约与模具齐平,表面金黄。在不确定是否烤好的情况下,可以用竹签扎到蛋糕底部,如果没有蛋糕粘液沾在牙签上就说明烤 好了。


            French RUM Cake

            French  RUM Cake -- moisture   ^^^


            面粉      1      cup
            糖        1/4   cup
            油        1/4   cup
            鸡蛋      3
            盐          1     tsp
            baking powder    2   tsp
            vanilla     1  tsp
            - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

            water     2     cup
            sugar     1     cup
            rum      1/4  cup

            面粉     3/4    cup
            糖        3/4   cup
            油        1/4   cup
            鸡蛋      3
            盐          1     tsp
            baking powder    2   tsp
            vanilla     1  tsp
            - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

            water     2     cup
            sugar     1     cup
            rum      1/4  cup

            1,预热烤箱 330 F/170 C。所有原料和一起,呈糊状
            3,糖浆制作。水加糖,烧开,离火。兑入 RUM。


            Oatmeal muffin

            Oatmeal Muffin   ^^^
            pre 15m,   bake 25m

            1     cup   milk
            1     cup   oat
            1     cup   all-p flour
            1     egg
            1/4  cup  oil
            1/4  cup  sugar
            2     tsp   baking powder
            1/2  tsp   salt

            1,预热烤箱 425 F/220 C。grease or line 。
            2,中碗,燕麦泡牛奶,15 分钟。中碗,混合面粉,糖,盐,baking powder 。
            3,大碗,打发 鸡蛋+油。拌入 燕麦。再加 面粉。
            4, 分装入 muffin cup。烤 25 分钟。

            lemon shortbread

            Lemony Shortbread Cake
            pre 25m,  bake 20m,  oven 300 F

            面粉         2   cup
            淀粉       1/4  cup
            糖粉       1/3  cup
            butter    3/4  cup
            柠檬汁     1    sp
            盐          1/2  tsp
            vanilla       1   tsp
            柠檬皮屑   3   tsp   [ 3 lemons]

            1,预热烤箱 300 F,line with small muffin cups. 面粉淀粉混合。
            2,中碗,糖粉 + 柠檬皮屑,压按。
            3,大碗,电打中速,  butter,  柠檬汁,盐,vanilla 。再加 柠檬糖。
            5,烤 18-20 分钟。移架晾凉。

            oatmeal Cookie

             oat meal Cookie

            面粉            1   cup
            燕麦           1.5 cup
            butter         1/2 cup    [ soften]
            棕糖           1/4 cup
            鸡蛋           1
            盐              1/2 tsp
            vanilla          1   tsp
            baking soda  1/2 tsp

            1,中碗,混合  面粉+盐+baking soda 。
            2,大碗,打发 butter+sugar 。打入鸡蛋,vanilla 。 混入 面粉,燕麦。
            3,可以将面团冷藏  1 小时。
            4,预热烤箱 375 F [ 190 C],烤盘抹油。面团分成小球,压平。
            5,烤 8-10 分钟,放置 5 分钟,移架晾凉。

            chocolate line

            Topping chocolate line

            巧克力块      1/2   cup   [ semisweet chocolate pieces]
            Sherry酒/水   4    小勺   [ /20ml/]
            butter           2      勺    [ /30ml/]

            小锅小火,巧克力块和30ml  butter, 搅匀。再加20ml Sherry酒/水。Dizzle over chilled Sherry-cream.


            Sherry Cream

            Sherry Cream

            butter          1/2   cup         [ soften]
            icing sugar    1/2   cup
            light cream   1/4   cup        [ half and half]
            sherry          1/4   cup

            1, 大盆,电动低速,icing sugar+butter。  加 light cream ,加 sherry 。
            2, 在 Crust/chocolate-bar 上 铺平。冷藏 1  小时至硬。


            Vanilla Cake

            Simple Vanilla Cake


            • 2 cups (500 mL) sugar
            • 4 eggs
            • 2-1/2 cups (625 mL) all-purpose flour
            • 1 cup (250 mL) milk
            • 3/4 cup (175 mL) vegetable oil
            • 2-1/4 teaspoons (11 mL) baking powder
            • 1 teaspoon (5 mL) vanilla

            Cooking Instructions

            1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Line two 9-inch (23-cm) round cake pans or one 9x13-inch (23 x 33 cm) rectangular baking pan with parchment paper. Grease the paper and the sides of the pan well.
            2. In a large mixing bowl, with an electric mixer, beat sugar and eggs together until slightly thickened, about 1 minute. Add flour, milk, oil, baking powder, and vanilla and beat for another minute, just until the batter is smooth and creamy. Don't overbeat. Pour batter into the prepared baking pan(s).
            3. Bake in preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until the tops are golden and a toothpick poked into the center of the layer comes out clean. (A single rectangular pan will take longer to bake than two round ones.) Loosen the sides of the cake from the pan with a thin knife, then turn out onto a rack and peel off the paper. Let cool completely before covering with frosting, if desired
            4. Servings: Two 9-inch (23-cm) round layers, or one 9- x 13-inch (23 x 33 cm) rectangular cake.



            vanilla cheesecake

            bloomin' easy vanilla cheesecake

            • 150g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing
            • 250g digestive biscuits, crushed
            • 115g caster sugar
            • 3   tbsp cornflour
            • 900g full-fat cream cheese, at room temperature
            • 2 large  eggs
            • 115ml   double cream
            •  ½   tsp vanilla extract
            • zest of 1 lemon
            • zest of 1 orange

            for the cherry compote
            • 400g stoned cherries
            • 3 heaped tablespoons caster sugar
            optional: a swig of port or whisky
            • icing sugar, for dusting


             main courses | serves Serves 8 to 10

            Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF, and grease and line the bottom and sides of a 24cm springform cake tin. Mix the biscuits and butter in a bowl, press into the base of the prepared tin and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove from the oven and allow to cool.

            Turn the oven up to 200ºC/400ºF. Combine the sugar and cornflour in a bowl. Add the cream cheese and beat, ideally with an electric whisk, until creamy. Add the eggs and beat well. Gradually add the cream, beating until smooth, then beat in the vanilla extract and lemon and orange zest.

            Scrape the mixture on to the biscuit base, and gently shake it to level out the surface. Put the cheesecake in the centre of the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes until the top is golden brown and the filling has set around the edges. (A piece of foil over the top will stop it browning too much.) Let it cool at room temperature and serve after 2 or 3 hours, or, for a slightly firmer texture, put it in the fridge until it’s nice and cold

            Vanilla Bread

            Vanilla Bread

            1 1/2 cups warm water
            2 1/4 tsp dry yeast
            1 tbsp sugar
            1 tsp salt
            3 tbsp vanilla extract
            1/3 cup instant nonfat dry milk
            3 3/4 to 4 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

            Stir water and yeast together in large mixing bowl and let stand for a minute to dissolve. Add sugar, salt, vanilla, dry milk and 2 cups of the flour. Beat briskly for 2 minutes. Add enough more flour to make a soft, manageable dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface and knead a minute or two. Let rest 10 minutes.

            Resume kneading, adding just enough flour to keep dough from becoming sticky, until it is smooth and elastic. Place in large greased bowl, cover, and let rise until double in bulk.

            Punch down and shape into a loaf. Place in a greased 9x5x3 loaf pan, cover, and let rise to the top of the pan. Bake in preheated 350-degree oven for about 50 minutes. Remove from pan and let cool on a rack.


            buttercream fros

            Buttercream Frosting

            2 cups (230 grams) confectioners sugar (icing or powdered sugar), sifted
            1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
            1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
            2 tablespoons milk or light cream
            Assorted food colors

            In an electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, cream the butter until smooth and well blended. 
            Add the vanilla extract. With the mixer on low speed, gradually beat in the sugar. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. 
            Add the milk and beat on high speed until frosting is light and fluffy (about 3-4 minutes).
             Add a little more milk or sugar, if needed. Tint the frosting with desired food color (I use the paste food coloring that is available at cake decorating stores and party stores).

            Vanilla Cupcake

            Vanilla Cupcake   ^^^

            1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
            3 tbsp  granulated white sugar
            3 large eggs
            1 tsp pure vanilla extract
            1 1/2 cups (195 grams) all purpose flour
            1/4 tsp salt
            1/4 cup (60 ml) milk

            1, Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.
            2, In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. 
            Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 
            Beat in the vanilla extract and lemon zest. 
            3,In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
            4,With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and milk, in three additions, beginning and ending with the flour. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed.
            5,Evenly fill the muffin cups with the batter and bake for about 15-18 minutes or until nicely browned and a toothpick inserted into a cupcake comes out clean. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Once the cupcakes have completely cooled, frost with icing. If you want flat topped cupcakes then slice off the dome of each cupcake, with a sharp knife, before frosting. If you want to pipe the frosting, I like to use a large Wilton 1M star decorating tip.





            面粉       2     杯
            热水       1     杯      50 度
            糖          1     勺
            盐         1    小勺
            酵母     1/2  小勺



            面粉              3     杯
            牛奶             1/4  杯
            水                1/4  杯
            butter          1/4  杯
            鸡蛋              2
            糖               1/4  杯
            盐               1/2  小勺
            酵母          1   小勺

            2,加热   牛奶和黄油 ,关火,加水
            4,醒发  1  小时,约 2倍
            5,预热   350  F(180  C),烤40 分钟


            面粉           3.5     杯
            牛奶           1/2    杯
            水              1/2    杯
            butter        1/3     杯
            鸡蛋            1
            糖               3      勺
            盐              1.5    小勺
            酵母            2      小勺

            1,预热烤箱 400 F 。配料混合,加水,中速搅拌,和至光滑
            2,先加盐,后加黄油, 和至光滑
            3,醒发约 1 小时,3 倍
            4,刷上蛋液,400 F,烤 15 分钟


            榛子燕麦块 Bar

            榛子燕麦块   Bar





            发面饼子   ENGLISH MUFFIN (Alton Brown,the food network)

            面粉     2 杯
            温热水 1+1/3 杯
            黄油     1 勺 (猪油)
            糖        1 勺
            盐       1 小勺
            奶粉    1/2 杯
            酵母    1 小勺



            糯米粉         1     杯
            玉米淀粉   1/4  杯
            糖                 2    勺
            牛奶             1    杯
            油                 2    勺

             蒸    20 分钟。



            Mocha Cutouts

            Mocha Cutouts

            1.5    cup     all-p flour
            1/2  cup     butter
            1/4  cup     brown sugar
              2     tsp      coffee powder
              2     tsp      cocoa powder
            1/4  tsp      salt
              1                 egg yolk
              1     sp       coffee liqueur

            1, medium bowl, beat butter on medium speed, 30 s".
            2, Add brown sugar, coffee powder, cocoa powder, and salt. Beat until combined.
            3, Beat in flour, make a dough. divide the dough in half, chill.
            4,Preheat 350 F. CUT OUT. ungreased. Bake 12 m'. Cool on rack.




            面粉       1    杯
            牛奶       1    杯      
            鸡蛋       1    个
            油           2   勺
            糖           2   勺
            盐        1/2 小勺
            baking powder     1.5 小勺

            Choco Crust/Bar

            巧克力块  CHOCOLATE Crust  /  CHOCOLATE-BAR
               巧克力粉      1/4  杯
               butter          1/2  杯
               面粉            1/2  杯
               鸡蛋            2
               糖               1/3  杯
               vanilla          1    小勺

               1,预热烤箱 350 F 。烤盘抹油
               2,小火,汤锅,BUTTER + 巧克力粉,搅拌均匀,离火。
               3,打入鸡蛋,糖, VANILLA。再加入面粉

             Chocolate-crust+ sherry-cream


                备料  叉烧酱
                2,预热烤箱 375 F ,裹锡纸,烤30-40分钟。用筷子扎一下,看看生熟
                3,去掉锡纸 375 F ,烤20分钟
                4,425 F ,烤5分钟